Sun and clouds mixed. High 78F. Winds light and variable..
A few passing clouds, otherwise generally clear. Low around 55F. Winds light and variable.
The Rotary Club of Winchester on Aug. 25 presented a check for $21,114 to Honor Flight of the Shenandoah Valley, which takes veterans to Washington, D.C., to see the nation's memorials. The proceeds are from the Rotary Club's Healing Fields of Honor held over Memorial Day weekend on the front campus of Handley High School in Winchester.
Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival officials present a check for $2,500 to Concern Hotline Executive Director Rusty Holland (second from left) during Concern Hotline’s 23rd annual Fish Fry on Sept. 2 at the Frederick County Fairgrounds. For the past two years, the festival and Concern Hotline have partnered to host a Labor Day weekend celebration at the fairgrounds. “Partnerships are essential to all nonprofit organizations. We appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with agencies like Concern Hotline to bring about awareness and support their mission,” Festival President Sharen Gromling (left) stated in a news release. “In 2022, the Festival was blessed with a week of wonderful weather and tremendous support from local businesses and citizens. This is an opportunity to express our appreciation to those who are doing meaningful work in our community that positively affects lives every single day.” Concern Hotline is a free 24/7 referral, crisis intervention and suicide prevention hotline serving the Northern Shenandoah Valley.
The Rotary Club of Winchester on Aug. 25 presented a check for $21,114 to Honor Flight of the Shenandoah Valley, which takes veterans to Washington, D.C., to see the nation's memorials. The proceeds are from the Rotary Club's Healing Fields of Honor held over Memorial Day weekend on the front campus of Handley High School in Winchester.
Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival officials present a check for $2,500 to Concern Hotline Executive Director Rusty Holland (second from left) during Concern Hotline’s 23rd annual Fish Fry on Sept. 2 at the Frederick County Fairgrounds. For the past two years, the festival and Concern Hotline have partnered to host a Labor Day weekend celebration at the fairgrounds. “Partnerships are essential to all nonprofit organizations. We appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with agencies like Concern Hotline to bring about awareness and support their mission,” Festival President Sharen Gromling (left) stated in a news release. “In 2022, the Festival was blessed with a week of wonderful weather and tremendous support from local businesses and citizens. This is an opportunity to express our appreciation to those who are doing meaningful work in our community that positively affects lives every single day.” Concern Hotline is a free 24/7 referral, crisis intervention and suicide prevention hotline serving the Northern Shenandoah Valley.
The club will host its annual picnic at 5 p.m. today at the Lions Shelter in Jim Barnett Park. There will be no lunch meeting today. The club also recycles used hearing aids. Call 540-743-4339 to donate your used hearing aids or to seek assistance in obtaining hearing aids.
The Valley Glasshoppers will meet at 7 p.m. today at Greenwood Church. The show and tell will be carnival glass, new and old. The program will be provided by Steve Spaid.
The club meets every Wednesday at noon in the Winchester Moose Lodge’s social hall, 213 E. Cork St. Lunch is available. This week’s guest speaker is Winchester Planning Director Tim Youmans. Visitors welcome. For more information about the club or to arrange to attend a meeting, contact Jeff at 540-247-9243.
The Winchester chapter of Walk with a Doc will have its next walk on Wednesday from 11 a.m.-noon. Meet at the Valley Health Wellness and Fitness Center lobby. The event is free to attend. Hear a brief talk “Peripheral Arterial Disease: Let’s Talk the Walk” by guests Dr. Hannah Kim and Poupee Pang, PA-C, followed by an enjoyable walk with the group at your own pace. The walk is held outdoors. Arrive 15-20 minutes early to check in. In the event of inclement weather, contact the Wellness Center at 540-536-3000 or check their Facebook page.
Glen Burnie Garden ClubThe Glen Burnie Garden Club will host the annual Joint Council of Garden Clubs meeting on Thursday at Winchester Church of God, 2080 N. Frederick Pike. Speaker Linda Taylor will lead discussions on design panels for flower arrangements. The council is preparing for a Standard Flower Show in April 2023. The program will begin at 10:45 a.m. with lunch at noon. For more information, contact
The Hawthorne Garden Club along with the Winchester Joint Council of Garden Clubs will have their annual luncheon on Thursday at Winchester Church of God. Hostesses for the meeting are Linda Lutz and Bessie Solenberger. We always welcome new members. For more information, email
Winchester Rotary ClubThe club’s 47th Shenandoah Valley Apple Harvest Festival is 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sept. 17-18 at the Frederick County Fairgrounds in Clear Brook.
Ripples is a group, open without charge, to all women who have, or have had, cancer. Please join us for camaraderie and a delightful brunch provided by members at Wellspring, 525 Amherst St., Winchester, on Sept. 17 from 10 a.m.-noon. Masks are required for anyone not vaccinated.
The National Federation of the Blind (NFB), Winchester chapter, meets on the third Saturday of the month from 10-11:30 a.m. at Solenberger’s Hardware, 832 Berryville Ave., Winchester. For the month of October only, the meeting will be held on the fourth Saturday, Oct. 24. The next meeting is Sept. 17 and is open to blind, low vision and sighted individuals who want to learn more about resources available to the blind community to assist in living an independent life. The NFB also offers opportunities for community outreach to engage and educate the public. Questions? Call Chris Walker at 540-303-0080 or email
Sewing with knitsThe local American Sewing Guild has invited Patty Otto of the Great Copy Pattern Company to present two programs on Sept. 17 at the VFW Post, 425 S. Buckmarsh St. (U.S. 340), Berryville. The morning session, “Knits for the Absolutely Terrified,” is $10 to attend. The afternoon session is a hands-on class, “Four Techniques for Sewing and Serging Knits.” This class includes materials and a handbook and costs $30 to attend (limited seating available). Bring your own machine for afternoon session. For more information, or to register, email or call 540-508-4400.
The monthly meeting is held the fourth Tuesday of the month, with social time at 6:15 p.m. and meeting at 7 p.m. Location: Church of Christ at Mountainview, 153 Narrow Lane, Winchester. For more information, contact
Winchester Area Temporary Thermal Shelter (WATTS) will host its 3rd annual fundraiser — “An Evening of Caring & Sharing” — from 5-10 p.m. Oct. 1 at Bowling Green Country Club, 838 Bowling Green Road, Front Royal. Come out to support WATTS and help us raise funds for our upcoming overnight shelter season. A fun evening of dinner, live music by The Fogg Band, dancing, cash bar, raffles, live auction, awards, more. Tickets are $50. Go to or call 540-514-7218.
• A Balance and Strength Class is held every Monday and Wednesday at 2 p.m. This low-impact program includes joint check/warm-up, range of motion/stretching, strengthening, cardiovascular endurance, and joint check/cool down. Led by Sonna Russell was received training through the Arthritis Foundation. Suggestion donation: $3.
• A Strength and Conditioning Class is held every Tuesday and Thursday at 2 p.m. This class is designed to increase physical strength through conditioning exercises.
The center is located at 28 S. Loudoun St., Winchester. For more information, visit
The club meets each Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. in the Kernstown United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 3239 Valley Pike, Winchester, and the first and third Saturdays at 12:30 p.m. at Westminster-Canterbury, second floor conference room, 300 Westminster-Canterbury Drive, Winchester. All bridge players are welcome, including new ones, and arrangements can be made if partners are needed. Contact: 703-935-6720.
Want to help those in need? Consider joining the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (I.O.O.F.), a fraternal service organization. The local lodge, Madison Lodge #6, has been in Winchester for 184 years and is the oldest continuous Odd Fellow Lodge in Virginia. Ages 16 and up are qualified to join. Contact Jack or Bernita Roberts at 540-664-8338 for more information.
The Youth Development Center’s Adventures Beyond program is seeking volunteers to serve youth with disabilities in the community. These twice-a-week volunteer opportunities are offered on Tuesdays from 5-7 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Pre-volunteer interview and training required. Email Maribeth Stotler-Watkins at if interested.
TOPS, a nonprofit weight-loss support group headquartered in Milwaukee, Wis., has three chapters meeting each week in the Winchester area. Fees to join are modest. For information, visit or contact any of the leaders below:
Mondays from 6 to 7 p.m. at Bethel Lutheran Church, 2077 N. Frederick Pike. Call Joan Derosier at 540-550-3897.
Wednesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Kernstown United Methodist Church, 3239 Valley Pike. Call Helen Reitan at 540-550-0744.
Thursdays from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at Kernstown United Methodist Church, 3239 Valley Pike. Email Joyce Steele at
DivorceCareDivorceCare is a divorce (or separation) recovery support group. The women’s group will meet at Fellowship Bible Church each Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Children’s program DivorceCare4Kids is also available for 5-12 year olds. The church is located at 3217 Middle Road, Winchester. DivorceCare features nationally recognized experts on divorce and recovery topics. Meeting sessions are presented from a Biblical perspective and include “Facing My Anger,” “Facing My Loneliness,” “Family & Friends,” “Financial & Legal Issues” and more. For more information and to register, go to or call the church at 540 662-7743.
We are a social organization for women who are new to the area or would like to make new friends through a variety of social activities and general meetings featuring community speakers. For contact information and activity schedules, visit
Quota International of Winchester is a 501©3 civic organization assisting disadvantaged women and children and the hearing impaired in Winchester and Frederick County. We are looking for like-minded women who are interested in becoming members and helping our community. For more information, please call Ginny at 540-931-8832.
The Northern Shenandoah Valley Chapter of F.R.E.E. (Foundation for Rehabilitation Equipment & Endowment) is requesting donations of gently used medical equipment to assist local residents in need. Items most requested are wheelchairs, transport chairs, tub transfer benches, rollators and bed rails. Donations may be dropped off at 333 W. Cork St., Lower Lobby, Suite 40, in Winchester. For more information, call 540-664-7552, e-mail us at or view our website at F.R.E.E. is a 501©(3) organization and donations are tax deductible at their present fair market value.
CCAPCCAP of Winchester is asking for the following gently used items: men’s fall clothes (especially jeans, smaller sizes of men’s pants, T-Shirts, hooded sweat jackets, sweatshirts, belts; women’s purses; fall clothes for women, teens, boys and girls; fall clothes for sizes 2T thru 5T; girls and little girl’s dresses; new boy’s socks and girl’s camisoles; shoes – all sizes and genders; jackets — all sizes and genders; bath towels and bedding – all sizes; tents and sleeping bags; individual baby wipe packs and diapers sizes 4, 5, and 6; adult disposable underwear, in all sizes and incontinence pads. Donations may be dropped off Monday-Wednesday between the hours of 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. at 112 S. Kent St. Winchester. For additional information call CCAP at 540-662-4318.
Froggy’s ClosetFroggy’s Closet, a project of Families Reaching Out Group, which provides clothing, shoes, books, toys and more for free to foster children, at-risk children and children in need with a referral, is currently in need of clothes for teenage boys (small, medium and large long-sleeved T-shirts and athletic pants) and all junior girl sizes for jeans and joggers. We accept new and like new (freshly washed) clothing on Tuesday and Wednesday (10 a.m.-5 p.m.) at 200 N. Braddock St. For more information, visit
D.A.V. meets the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the Cherry-Beasley Readiness Center, 181 Pendleton Drive, Winchester. Questions? Contact Leroy Lovett at 540-533-7737.
AMVETSAmerican Veterans (AMVETS) Post 18 meets the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Post Home, 851 Green St., Stephens City. All current members and active duty, reserve, and national guard personnel and veterans who have served honorably are welcome to attend.
Seats are available for a trip on Nov. 1 to Lancaster, Pa., for lunch at Hershey Farm Restaurant and a performance of “David” at Sight and Sound Theatre. Cost is $139 and is due by Sept. 22. For reservations, contact Mary at 540-869-7656.
Veterans are invited to join a breakfast meeting at 8:15 a.m. the first Saturday of each month at the Golden Corral Restaurant in Winchester. The group is headed by local pastor Paul Campbell. After breakfast, each veteran presents his military experiences to the group. Cost is $7 for all-you-can eat breakfast. Please wear a baseball cap representing your military service or organization. Questions? Josh Morimoto at 703-967-8679 or
The group meets monthly on the third Thursday at the Edinburg VFW. Lunch from 11:15 a.m.-noon, followed by a meeting from noon-1 p.m. Contact: Ronnie Zerkel, 540-333-5805.
Our Health’s Volunteer Action Center (VAC) is the hub for volunteering in the Winchester area. VAC’s mission is to help connect volunteers with 90 partner nonprofit agencies. If you are looking for a volunteer opportunity go to Our Health’s website at and fill out a volunteer application. When submitted, the application will go directly to Our Health’s Action Center Coordinator who will review the application. A brief summary will then be sent to the partner agencies. If an agency has an interest/need that matches the volunteer’s skills and interest, the agency will request the full application and then contact the potential volunteer directly. For more information, call Mary Falu at 540-536-1600.
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